Visions, Missions, Goals, Motto and Service Level Agreement


Along with the Universiats Barwijaya’s vision contained in Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi, then the vision of UB’s Central Library is being an excellence knowledge manager with the services and processing which based on information technology to provide user satisfaction and increase the absorption and utilization with knowledge (knowledge transfer and sharing) among faculty members.


To realize the vision above, the library has the following mission:

    • Improvement in generating, collecting, packaging, distribution and preservation the scientific wealth of Universitas Brawijaya.
    • Providing a qualited information in analyzing and making decision (decision support system) which is beneficial for developing the academic activities of Universitas Brawijaya in the present and future.
    • Improving the method and the process of collection dissemination which has been held to be more efficient and effective.
    • Increasing the diversity of ways and speed in accessing the sources of scientific wealth for users.
    • Improving the quality of services and aligibility facilities for the user as one of tools to advocate the learning and teaching process.



In realizing the missions, Universitas Brawijaya Library has the following goals:

  • Developing a form of knowledge managemen system and knowledge sharing among the facullty members based on technology information, especially for the local scientific wealth such as student final project (thesis), research reports, thesis, dissertations, proceedings, inaugural speeches and other gray literature.
  • Developing working system efficiency of library operational, maintenance and management of data (warehousing) based on information technology such as in the case of the acquisition of the collection, circulation, membership control systems (patron control system), and other administrative activities.
  • Developing the efficiency of information retrieval system either in the form of full-text and metadata based on information technology.
  • Increasing the socialszation to the users optimally, in this case all the academician, through user education, about utilizing the knowledge sources.
  • Improving the relationship with the local information sources (the parameters in each study program) through the campus intranet.
  • Improving the quality of service cross-system and data exchange between libraries and information sources that exist in other communities in regional, national and international by using information technology networks.
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